Monday, July 25, 2011

Vacation at the Cape- Part I

Well, its that time of year again, when we pack up the ol' Trailblazer and head out to see memere & pepere. We love visiting them, but the drive out there can be a little long at times. Lucky for us, mommy & daddy surprised us with a new dual DVD player for the ride- so we spent our time watching every Sesame Street and Veggie Tale we owned.

This year, we left around 4am and made it all the way from Wisconsin to Erie, PA before we stopped for the night. Our room in Erie as at a Spring Hill Inn which was really a lot of fun! Mommy & daddy were a little sad about how it was set up, they thought they'd have a separate bedroom to put us in that night. Instead the suite had a jacuzzi (woo hoo!) and a livingroom area divided by a half wall. Jordan and I got to share the pull out couch while Addison, mommy & daddy shared the king size bed. While Addie and mommy attempted to sleep, us boys ran and ran and ran around the room getting into any kind of trouble we could find (daddy was there with us, but not amuzed).

The next morning we headed out for our final leg of the drive and arrived safely at Cape Cod by 6pm that night. We were so happy to get out and run around after 2 days cooped up in the car!

Here's a few pictures of us at the beach, we lucked out with gorgeous "beach weather" every, single day! (Mommy said there are A LOT more photos and stories but we'll end here for now, more to come so stick around!)


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  1. Great pictures! I am excited to see all of them.... I sure miss you guys, but I know you are having the best time ever! Love you lots, G'ma Jean

  2. Cute kids and awesome photography. Hope they had wonderful time there.
    Kids Worksheets

  3. Enjoying their life at the beach...cute kids with funny stops...
    Canon Ink
